About Us

TheMoboBiz is a technology blog that started with an aim to make people’s tech life simpler.

At TheMoboBiz, you will get nifty tech news, best-of, top 10, how-to guides, tips, tricks, facts, and more.

Founded in 2021 as themobobiz.com in July 2021.

As of now, TheMoboBiz is serving more than 50K users every month which is growing at a good pace.

If you have any questions, contact me at 74vkm74@gmail.com 

About Admin

TheMoboBiz Admin
Vishnu Kumar


I am Vishnu Kumar solely handling TheMoboBiz from its start.

Despite being a student of commerce, my interest is in technology from the beginning.

I started blogging as an interest, turned into a passion, and now it has become a responsibility to bring something interesting for you.

If you have any questions, contact me at 74vkm74@gmail.com 
