Privacy Policy And Disclaimer

MoboDaily’s privacy policy and disclaimer include the privacy and governing terms of our website, located at This policy was updated on July 14, 2021.

What information do we keep?

Any Personal information you provide to us including your name or e-mail address will not be released, sold, or shared with any individual and entities outside We hereby declare that we don’t share or sell your e-mail address to any third agency or service.

All the information will be kept with themobobiz and your E-mail ID will be used to send you newsletters or promoting products or services.


Cookies are small pieces of data sent from the website and stored on the user’s device by the user’s web browser while the user is browsing. It’s a ‘Non-Personal Information’ which allows themobobiz to recognize you each time you visit our website with a web browser.

Themobobiz doesn’t use cookies to store visitor’s information. Third-party services Google Adsense and Google Analytics store cookies for better ad management. For any concern with a third-party, please contact them directly.

External Links

Themobobiz mentions links to other websites that are not under our direct control. Once you have left by clicking on these links, then it’s their privacy policy that comes into action. We can’t also be held liable/accountable for any loss/damage occurring due to any activity on another site as we won’t be able to control a user’s privacy on any other site.

We advise you to review the privacy policy and terms & conditions of every website you visit.


Currently we do not do any affiliate Marketing

Privacy Policy Changes

Themobobiz reserve the right to update this privacy policy at any time. We encourage visitors to review the privacy policy frequently. We may notify you by e-mail or blog post if we make major changes to this policy. We will also change the “updated” date on the beginning of the privacy policy.

Your continued use of this website after any change in the privacy policy will be deemed as acceptance of such change.

Contact Us

If you have any questions regarding the privacy policy and disclaimer, then you can Contact Us.